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March 27, 2020
The staff and leadership at Prime Time Mobile Detailing, LLC stand in solidarity with those whose lives have been affected by Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and recognize the great impact that this pandemic has had on our local community, nation and around our globe.
With the health and well being of our customers and staff as our greatest priority, we have implemented the following procedures to ensure the highest levels of safety as we continue to service our customers with quality and care.
Prime Time Mobile Detailing will make every effort to:
Adhere to the standards of handwashing set forth by the CDC.
Follow the protocol of requiring staff who don’t feel well to stay home from work.
Frequently disinfect commonly touched surfaces and all equipment after use.
Implement a No Contact Detail Service when possible and remain 6 feet away from persons to keep our staff and customers safe when customer engagement is necessary.
Suggest the use of electronic payments as our preferred method of payment in the form of pre-sent invoices to our customers so it is not necessary for cards or money to change hands.
Suggest that customers leave keys in their vehicle and a note of concerns for the detailer. If we have any questions we will call customers about concerns.
Prime Time Mobile Detailing office staff who are able to work from home are doing so. We will also continue to seek the most relevant and current information as it is distributed regarding Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
We at Prime Time Mobile Detailing will do our part to prevent the transmission and spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).
We are grateful to our Loyal Customers for your continued support, and entrusting our company to serve you.
Prime Time Mobile Detailing, LLC